Sunday, 12 December 2010

Book 20

Ok so it's confession time... I acted like a spoilt little kid when my sister gave me this book for my birthday, I was ungrateful and acted like a brat. The reason being (although it doesn't excuse my behaviour) I don't like/read King, his books are too long winded and I get fed up with them, I just can't get into his style of writing. Not only that she did give me the gift when I was in the hospital after having Ted, I was tired and grumpy and had been there for three days already. (This also does not excuse my behaviour, merely placement within the narrative as it were).

I did apologise to my sister because I did appreciate the gift, and I liked it even more when I realised it was a compendium of short stories. There would be little time for my aversion to Kings descriptive writing to kick in, I hoped.

And because it was a gift from my sister and she didn't have to, I thought the least I can do is read it. My mind wanders absently to the two mammoth King tomes sitting in the kitchen gathering dust, which will not be read by me but will be when I've donated them to the library.

I do feel bad for this almost phobia to King novels if you will because I even read the introduction and I thought he seems like a likeable person. So I feel a little bad for not liking his novels.

But all that aside, I really did enjoy it. My favourite stories were:

Willa, Stationary Bike, The Gingerbread Girl, The New York Times at Special Bargain Rates and A Very Tight Place.

One thing that did irritate me though was the fact that some of them stop without explanation or a conclusion. ( I don't like having to make assumptions to how their lives go on after the events).

If you've read it let me know which stories you enjoyed and why.

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