Monday, 17 November 2008

One Step Closer

Well what have I been doing with my time since Friday, well yesterday hubby took our daughter on a playdate in Sheffield so they were gone all day so it was just me and our 4 month old son so we spent most of the day with kerrang and scuzz on to see what new music is out there, son loves Paramore and he couldn't take his eyes off the Marilyn Manson "Tainted Love" video.

Got to see the new video from Paramore for the Twilight film was very good and the sneaky bits of film were also exciting, yep I'm so on the twilight bandwagon just like most of the planet seem to be but hey the books great, I've only read the first instalment, as I am saving the other three for Christmas, its hard but its something to look forward too. Also got to see a few songs that I really like but couldn't remember the artist/title so couldn't put them on my online playlist, but I've done that now so now I have some new stuff to listen to when I work.

Work, which is what I should be talking about, so easily distracted today. The work has been put on hold for a couple of days as mother in laws coming to visit tomorrow although she hasn't called to confirm but at least the living room will be tidy for her. Plus whilst hubby and daughter were out yesterday I moved all my art/craft stuff into the cupboard under the stairs so its a lot more easily accessible. But I will need to get a lock to keep daughter out.

I have finished one 5 pack of greetings cards, and almost finished another 2 packs but don't want to list them on etsy yet as I need to get my funding grant to buy the packaging because I want them to be done as professionally as possible or there's just no point really.

But I do have a few paintings that I will be listing before the end of the week I just need to make sure the cameras taken none blurry photos first.


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