Well that's almost all of the obligatory family events done, after tomorrow that will be it for us. So this time tomorrow evening and we will be relaxing and wondering how to keep all the presents hidden from little fingers. We've almost ran out of space as it is but its not easy hiding presents in the small bedroom as well as having all of our things in there too.
Wasn't a bad day though as it was Granddads turn and he and his wife usually take our daughter out for the day so as long as son has a big nap whilst they're out its a nice quiet afternoon.
And we did well in the non Xmas gifts department again today, daughter got 2 new coats and a cute pair of pink Mary Janes and hubby got a couple of t shirts and a pair of trainers.
The downside is that she comes home tired and falls asleep so then trying to get her to bed at night is a task and a half...11.25 I managed to get downstairs tonight but i I keep my fingers crossed she will sleep through until morning, just wish the same could be said about our son, he'll probably get up at about 2am and not go back to sleep until 3...
Jasa Fotocopy Murah 24 Jam di Jakarta Timur
Bagi Anda yang butuh *jasa fotocopy* dimalam hari ataupun dipagi hari?
jangan bingung dan jangan bimbang karena sekarang sudah ada toko fotocopy
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