Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Well we are officially in 2009 now. Hope all of you that have made resolutions haven't already folded and are keeping good on them all.

Anyhoo its been a busy 1st of January in this house we've officially started the hardcore potty training with our daughter unfortunately she decided that she didn't want to use the potty and managed to pee on the floor 3 times. Oh well, we'll try again tomorrow. She'll get there eventually plus we're saving on nappies so thats a definate plus even if I am on constant clean up. At least she's doing in in the middle of the room on the laminate flooring and not on the sofa or near the tv etc.

We also took our tree down this afternoon, well both me and hubby were getting a bit grouchy with the constant excitement from the kids even though santa's already been this year. (Think daughter was expecting more gifts to miraculously appear).

Plus with the living room back to normal hubby can relocate his pc back downstairs so I get some company in the evenings when he's working on his blogs etc.

Also been sorting out the kitchen on and off for most of the day although hubby did say I wasn't to go on here until I had done the pots hehe.(I have done them though).

Feel tired but good tired for getting so much done even if theres still loads to do but nanna's coming to visit the kids tomorrow and hopefully I'll get an appointment at the dentist so it won't be so bad if I'm out of commission for a few days.


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