Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Less Than 5 Weeks To Go...

Oh and the last three days have been fab its been cold and rainy and windy and I've not spent the entire day and night sweating my bum off which has been nice.
I am getting a little fed up with people asking how I'm doing all the time especially the ones that only ask so they can feel better about themselves... Although I do have the urge to start skipping along and tell them I feel fantastic just to get on their nerves.
But truth is I feel crap and tired and angry that nothing is getting done because I feel crap and tired. And the odd time when I think I might get chance to do something Ted lies funny to trap a nerve so standing and sitting is not a pleasant experience or G decides to escape her bedroom and tips talc all over our bedroom or paints a lovely mural in lipstick on our wall or if shes feeling really frisky she might decide to wipe poop wherever she sees fit... Which is always fun...
Or like tonight its Dub think its his teeth and he's being super grumpy...
Oh its all good fun....


Unknown said...

"Gemma Stothard" has been included in a special edition Thinking of Christmas Gifts in July Sites To See. I hope this helps to attract many new customers here.

imelda said...

hello i was here after a long time. wishing u a good day

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